
Struggling with a 104 temp and stressed that I’ll be suspended when I get back.

Mostly just a vent i hope that’s ok. I’ve had a fever I haven’t been able to break since the 8th. They’re “cracking down” in people with days missed because corporate is coming in and they’re wanting to lay off people. Mind you, EVERYONE. Nearly EVERYONE I know has 15+days missed. The second to last day I was at work the supervisor of our supervisor called me to her office and put infront of me a step four suspension packet. (I’ve never been written up and it’s the company rules you have to go through each step) she pushed me to sign it but I refused as I I had never been written up. She crossed out “step four” and wrote “step 1” and was pressuring me to sign it but I didn’t. She snapped at me and told me she’d print out a new forum for me to sign…

Mostly just a vent i hope that’s ok. I’ve had a fever I haven’t been able to break since the 8th. They’re “cracking down” in people with days missed because corporate is coming in and they’re wanting to lay off people. Mind you, EVERYONE. Nearly EVERYONE I know has 15+days missed.

The second to last day I was at work the supervisor of our supervisor called me to her office and put infront of me a step four suspension packet. (I’ve never been written up and it’s the company rules you have to go through each step) she pushed me to sign it but I refused as I I had never been written up. She crossed out “step four” and wrote “step 1” and was pressuring me to sign it but I didn’t. She snapped at me and told me she’d print out a new forum for me to sign the next day. (she saw me the next day but never stopped me or anything)

Just my luck I go down with a 104 fever that I still haven’t been able to fully break but of course I had to stay home. There would’ve been no way I could’ve operated any machinery without it being dangerous for myself or others.

Idk. My brain is still fried. I’m in an incredible amount of pain still and I’m stressed beyond belief. My lady keeps telling me I’m ok. Cause we have to go through step 1,2,3 but I’m just a mess.

That doesn’t seem right at all does it? And a shift supervisor opened up to me about being careful around her because she “has it out for me”.

I’m just trying to prepare myself mentally for what I might walk into to.

Apologizes if this is a mess or annoying. I’m just trying to sort my fever brain before I go back. (tomorrow night)

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