
Struggling with new job and supervisor

I started my job in February 2023 and am having major struggles trying to understand and fit into my new position. My immediate supervisor doesn’t know what my role is or how to do it, so whenever I ask about guidance or advice he passes me off to someone else. I have gotten “in trouble” with other departments because of this and I just feel like an idiot not knowing how things work around here 6 months in. I am a director and am trying to seek guidance in other places, yet everyone just shrugs and says the previous director “just did it”. Additionally, my supervisor has said some troubling things to me, for example, he brings up the previous director in meetings with my team and is “making a plan of success” for us with that person. Mind you they are no longer affiliated with our place of work…

I started my job in February 2023 and am having major struggles trying to understand and fit into my new position. My immediate supervisor doesn’t know what my role is or how to do it, so whenever I ask about guidance or advice he passes me off to someone else. I have gotten “in trouble” with other departments because of this and I just feel like an idiot not knowing how things work around here 6 months in. I am a director and am trying to seek guidance in other places, yet everyone just shrugs and says the previous director “just did it”. Additionally, my supervisor has said some troubling things to me, for example, he brings up the previous director in meetings with my team and is “making a plan of success” for us with that person. Mind you they are no longer affiliated with our place of work and we feel uncomfortable have internal conversations shared with someone we don’t know. He cuts me off when speaking, talks over me, and tells me and my colleagues “we should lean on his administrative experience and try and learn from him as we’re still young women in our careers”. Everyone from my team leaves those meetings defeated, and it’s been confirmed by other department colleagues they’ve noticed he only treats us this way. I am trying very hard to do everything I think should be done and had a great first performance evaluation (by a different person who was my supervisor for 3 months). Adding to it all I am pregnant and will be out on maternity starting December and he’s saying I need to make a plan with other departments to find coverage…umm I thought that was his job. Overall I feel like he doesn’t want me, wishes the other director was still here as they dedicated their entire life to the job, and is disrespectful to me and my teams experience. I sometimes feel like I am on a sinking ship and he’s expecting me to save them from years of mismanagement and terrible decisions. I am thinking of starting to record our conversations and going to HR to seek advice. This is a person who will be evaluating me and I’ve never had a situation in which I didn’t do well in my job. Any advice?

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