
Super pleased with the way I quit my last job!

I recently started a new job where I make more money and work fewer hours with a better schedule, but this post isn’t about my new job. Whenever my former employer would fire someone, a message would go out to all the employees, letting us all know that the person who had been let go is no longer with the company, and that “we wish ****** the best in all of their future endeavors.” I already had my new job lined up and a start date, so when the time came to submit my 2 week notice, I popped into the owners office, who happened to be sitting down chatting with the HR manager at the time, and said “Hey boss, I wanted to let you know that I’m putting in a 2 week notice today. Starting a new job in a couple of weeks.” They asked me “why?” To…

I recently started a new job where I make more money and work fewer hours with a better schedule, but this post isn’t about my new job. Whenever my former employer would fire someone, a message would go out to all the employees, letting us all know that the person who had been let go is no longer with the company, and that “we wish ****** the best in all of their future endeavors.” I already had my new job lined up and a start date, so when the time came to submit my 2 week notice, I popped into the owners office, who happened to be sitting down chatting with the HR manager at the time, and said “Hey boss, I wanted to let you know that I’m putting in a 2 week notice today. Starting a new job in a couple of weeks.” They asked me “why?” To which I replied, “Well, the company just isn’t really meeting my expectations, and I’ve decided to go somewhere where I will make more money working fewer hours with a better schedule. So I’m afraid I’m going to have to let you go. However, please know that I wish both of you the best in all of your future endeavors.” The look on their faces was priceless.

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