
Supervisor above my direct manager told me today, “your a thinker”.

So, I was pulled into my managers office after a meeting with a the dept. supervisor. This comes from my vocalizing my dislike of a move to a different part of the company as a stop gap so they don't lose profits. Nearing the end of our discussions at which I made very pertinent arguments that held true and accepted by herself and the lower level supervisor. She referred to me as a thinker. I am asking dear redditors opinion on this. I am thinking she knows I have it figured out and won't drink the cool-aid, but she can't fire me because they are already understaffed.

So, I was pulled into my managers office after a meeting with a the dept. supervisor. This comes from my vocalizing my dislike of a move to a different part of the company as a stop gap so they don't lose profits. Nearing the end of our discussions at which I made very pertinent arguments that held true and accepted by herself and the lower level supervisor. She referred to me as a thinker. I am asking dear redditors opinion on this.

I am thinking she knows I have it figured out and won't drink the cool-aid, but she can't fire me because they are already understaffed.

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