
Supervisor guilt trips for requesting a day off around the holidays, how would you respond?

Our union recently signed a new contract and this included another extra floater day. It’s essentially a given time off that must be used by the end of the year and it doesn’t roll over like vacation time. Mostly everyone across the dept requested either the days before Christmas or after Christmas. I wanted to request the 30th off only. Around this holiday time, my coworker Jane Doe and me will be the ones covering for others. My unit has 4 people (1 is out on medical leave and my other coworker unfortunately has to cover the receptionist because we’re short staffed) My coworker Jane Doe who is behind with me in the unit hasn’t mentioned about taking any time off during the holidays because she’s a jehovah witness and doesn’t celebrate anything. I was like damn sorry but I’m going to go ahead and ask for that 30th off…

Our union recently signed a new contract and this included another extra floater day. It’s essentially a given time off that must be used by the end of the year and it doesn’t roll over like vacation time. Mostly everyone across the dept requested either the days before Christmas or after Christmas. I wanted to request the 30th off only.

Around this holiday time, my coworker Jane Doe and me will be the ones covering for others. My unit has 4 people (1 is out on medical leave and my other coworker unfortunately has to cover the receptionist because we’re short staffed) My coworker Jane Doe who is behind with me in the unit hasn’t mentioned about taking any time off during the holidays because she’s a jehovah witness and doesn’t celebrate anything. I was like damn sorry but I’m going to go ahead and ask for that 30th off then.

My supervisor responded in the most guilt tripping form. She told me at first she wanted to deny it because of coverage issues. Then she followed up with another email saying she’ll approve it but went off saying “I’m a little scared for Jane Doe because she is the only one left to cover in your unit and it’s not ideal. But I’ll be there to help her.” She literally typed “I’m a little scared.” Get this, I’ve been left alone to cover for my unit before because they were all out!! And I was kinda new too yet I survived. Jane Doe has been there for 4 years, she’s got more knowledge so I’m damn sure she will be fine. My supervisor never offered her help when my coworkers were all out.

I told my other coworker who’s also my friend about this and apparently Jane Doe was lowkey hurt cause everyone is taking off. The thing is, she doesn’t celebrate any holidays because she’s a Jehovah witness. We asked her a while ago if she planned to take time around the holidays and she was like no.

Anyways besides the point, I don’t know how to respond to my supervisor. I want to just take the damn day off and piss everyone off or just respond “I’m willing to switch to another day. I’ll be there on the 30th and if Jane Doe wants to take off, she can. I’ve been left alone in the unit before during the time I was still new and learning and I was capable of handling it.” How would you respond?

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