
Supervisor told me to not act so busy

I worked as QA Assistant at a mental health agency and was picking up tasks that were temporary since there was no one in my former supervisor's position. New supervisor gets hired, I set boundaries and confront him about taking those tasks back since he wanted to give me a new task on my workload. He told me that since I was already doing everything with no issue then I should continue doing those tasks, in addition to anything else he would need assistance with. I told him that I did not agree with those terms and the agency would need to give me a raise for more work on my plate. He asked me if I was paid hourly and told him that I was. He said that because I was an hourly employee that I would need to do anything and everything that was asked of me while…

I worked as QA Assistant at a mental health agency and was picking up tasks that were temporary since there was no one in my former supervisor's position. New supervisor gets hired, I set boundaries and confront him about taking those tasks back since he wanted to give me a new task on my workload. He told me that since I was already doing everything with no issue then I should continue doing those tasks, in addition to anything else he would need assistance with. I told him that I did not agree with those terms and the agency would need to give me a raise for more work on my plate. He asked me if I was paid hourly and told him that I was. He said that because I was an hourly employee that I would need to do anything and everything that was asked of me while I was on the clock. He said to me, “If the bosses were to come in and tell me to jump, I would ask 'How high?' instead of questioning.” I was told that I was being insubordinate due to “refusing to complete a task” that was not part of my job responsibilities because I did not work in that department. A meeting was planned to discuss my workload, the supervisor had me list all the tasks I had completed from the beginning of the week up until the day of the meeting. During the meeting they asked me about how much time each task took and tried to calculate how much time of the work day I was actually using. Somehow he calculated that I was only utilizing half the day and told me, “you shouldn't be acting like you're so busy.” (Side note: This supervisor spends all day everyday watching training videos at full volume in his office. He has said that he is super busy all the time.) The meeting completely floored me. I felt so disrespected as a person that I did not feel like I could stay at this workplace any longer.

I resigned today via email. The supervisor approached me after I had a phone conversation with HR and he asked me if there were any pending items. I just said that the only things that were pending were things that I had met with them about previously. They asked if any of it was urgent and I responded with “I guess not” and proceeded to pack up my things, return keys, and leave.

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