
Surely this isnt Normal?

For contest, I joined a local uk supermarket part time (12 hours a week) whilst my application for the military goes through. I have explained that my training comes first otherwise I wouldn't be able to take the job. This is also my first “proper job”. I have never done my contracted hours. Fact. Every week I'm signed up to 25+ hours. Now, I'll be fair I don't mind doing 25 but I have done 40+ hour weeks. When I tried to raise it the manager said “but you get paid for it”. I am not ruled by money so i do not care. As my shifts have cut down (nowadays I do 20-25 hours which is fine) I am constantly bombarded with whatsapp messages saying if I can come in or swap shifts. I got added to the work whatsapp group (even though I didn't want to). Even employees…

For contest, I joined a local uk supermarket part time (12 hours a week) whilst my application for the military goes through. I have explained that my training comes first otherwise I wouldn't be able to take the job. This is also my first “proper job”.

I have never done my contracted hours. Fact. Every week I'm signed up to 25+ hours. Now, I'll be fair I don't mind doing 25 but I have done 40+ hour weeks. When I tried to raise it the manager said “but you get paid for it”. I am not ruled by money so i do not care. As my shifts have cut down (nowadays I do 20-25 hours which is fine) I am constantly bombarded with whatsapp messages saying if I can come in or swap shifts. I got added to the work whatsapp group (even though I didn't want to). Even employees that aren't in the group have asked for my phone number (not from me and without my consent) just to text me about coming in on days off. In said group chat, they all botch about each other's work its generally just a really negative environment

Now, I'm not workshy. Being from a military family I have discipline and constantly seek things to do whilst at work. I even don't take my alloted break times just because I like to keep busy and get stuff done. This contrasts with others who just stay on the phones whilst on checkout duty and don't get much done.

I have already posted on here that they tried to get me to do illegal “clopening” shifts. When challenged they have sorted out the shifts procedure so it doesn't happen again. Needed the new guy to point it out but at least it's done.

Surely this isn't a healthy workplace environment. It's my first experience of this type of work and I just feel everyone is pressuring me to be at work 24/7 and don't appreciate when I slog my guts out whilst I'm there.

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