
Switching districts due to “personality conflict” with DM.

The reality is that it’s not at all a personality conflict. It’s me not being willing to tolerate disrespect. It’s me not being willing to be SCREAMED AT by a man who makes sexist jokes and thinks it’s okay to talk to people like we are dogs. It’s me not being willing to accept that he literally told me I’m just a number to him. I tried to go to his boss. Ya know, exactly like HR told me to do. I emailed him Saturday. No response. Come in on Tuesday and get a call that a spot opened up across the street, but a different district. Different boss. She seems chill, but they all do at first. So obviously what happened is his boss called him, laughed off my complaints and decided to move me. Didn’t correct any of the issues, just move the one who’s making waves about…

The reality is that it’s not at all a personality conflict. It’s me not being willing to tolerate disrespect. It’s me not being willing to be SCREAMED AT by a man who makes sexist jokes and thinks it’s okay to talk to people like we are dogs. It’s me not being willing to accept that he literally told me I’m just a number to him.

I tried to go to his boss. Ya know, exactly like HR told me to do. I emailed him Saturday. No response.

Come in on Tuesday and get a call that a spot opened up across the street, but a different district. Different boss. She seems chill, but they all do at first.

So obviously what happened is his boss called him, laughed off my complaints and decided to move me. Didn’t correct any of the issues, just move the one who’s making waves about it.

I hate this shit.

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