
Taking breaks at my workplace is the worst

We have no break room , when we do want to take our breaks we have to use the consultation room (it’s a pharmacy) to then be kicked out when the pharmacist needs a patient in there . When I’m kicked out I have to either sit in the back stock room on a broken bucket where there’s no signal available on my phone. So I’m basically sat there for 30mins with nothing to do. Oh and don’t forget the toilet is also located in the stock room and since it’s such a tiny room I have to keep getting up to move out of the way so my co worker can get in. Or , sit on a bench at the front of the pharmacy where I’m given cold stares from patients and questions like ‘ shouldn’t you be working ?’ which I doubt are even jokes are brought…

We have no break room , when we do want to take our breaks we have to use the consultation room (it’s a pharmacy) to then be kicked out when the pharmacist needs a patient in there . When I’m kicked out I have to either sit in the back stock room on a broken bucket where there’s no signal available on my phone. So I’m basically sat there for 30mins with nothing to do. Oh and don’t forget the toilet is also located in the stock room and since it’s such a tiny room I have to keep getting up to move out of the way so my co worker can get in.

Or , sit on a bench at the front of the pharmacy where I’m given cold stares from patients and questions like ‘ shouldn’t you be working ?’ which I doubt are even jokes are brought to me.

I’m currently sitting On the bench right now , this patient won’t stop staring at me and the automatic door keeps opening and closing as people enter / leave so its cold . I had to sit here as the assistant manager decided to come in sick and has probably contaminated the tiny consultation room by now and I don’t wanna risk getting sick again. I probably will get sick again and when I take time off because I don’t want to be a selfish twat and infect everyone my boss will bring the Bradford calculator and shun me for my attendance .

Even when I’ve taken my breaks in the consultation room the pharmacist has interrupted it and asked me to find things during my break hour . UGH. is this normal in pharmacy ?

Sorry just a rant I’m so cold and the way this patient keeps staring at me makes me uncomfortable . like My workplace isn’t as bad as what’s described on this sub most of the time

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