
Taking final two days off work due to mental health reasons

Without going into too much detail, I'm currently struggling with my mental health due to a flare up I'd equate to PTSD (past intimate partner violence). I'm supposed to be training my replacement for my last two days starting tomorrow, but I genuinely don't think I can handle it. I'm barely able to get any work done by myself let alone training someone else. I already asked my boss if I could leave early earlier this week due to 'personal reasons' and they were understanding, but I know they will lose their shit if I just 'abandon' them on my last two days when they have a new hire starting (understandably so). They don't have enough staff to cover me (entirely their fault, toxic workplace/managment) I know my mental health is far more important than work, I'm just worried they will give me a bad reference in the future 🙁

Without going into too much detail, I'm currently struggling with my mental health due to a flare up I'd equate to PTSD (past intimate partner violence). I'm supposed to be training my replacement for my last two days starting tomorrow, but I genuinely don't think I can handle it. I'm barely able to get any work done by myself let alone training someone else.

I already asked my boss if I could leave early earlier this week due to 'personal reasons' and they were understanding, but I know they will lose their shit if I just 'abandon' them on my last two days when they have a new hire starting (understandably so). They don't have enough staff to cover me (entirely their fault, toxic workplace/managment)

I know my mental health is far more important than work, I'm just worried they will give me a bad reference in the future 🙁

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