
Team is under paid

So to make a long story short. My team has been working our butts off for over a year. We constantly have new people coming in as the pay is crap. I'm a supervisor and I'm only making $19.51hr CAD, everyone else is making between $16-$18. This company cut our overtime which made our pay and long hours a little more worth it. Yesterday I got the news that another department is no longer going to be working evenings or weekends and that we must now take on their work. I brought this up to my team and they are obviously upset as would be expected. Enough is enough, I am going to my boss today and letting him know our department has had enough. If this doesn't work then I'm going to start looking for opportunities for my team before I jump ship after them.

So to make a long story short.

My team has been working our butts off for over a year. We constantly have new people coming in as the pay is crap. I'm a supervisor and I'm only making $19.51hr CAD, everyone else is making between $16-$18.

This company cut our overtime which made our pay and long hours a little more worth it. Yesterday I got the news that another department is no longer going to be working evenings or weekends and that we must now take on their work. I brought this up to my team and they are obviously upset as would be expected.

Enough is enough, I am going to my boss today and letting him know our department has had enough. If this doesn't work then I'm going to start looking for opportunities for my team before I jump ship after them.

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