
Terminating a “independant contractor” job

So I got a job working in an office a little over a year ago but not as an employee. I am a contractor. Job was okay but the office is closed too many days. I guess it never dawned on me that I was legally required to work until the contract expires. I read over the contract and no where does it state that there will be a penalty for leaving early. I found a salary position and I was just going to give a two weeks notice like “normal” tomorrow but my boyfriend seems to think I might not be able to do this because “I signed a contract, can I really just quit” It doesn't say anywhere in the contract that I HAVE to work to a certain date just that my contract expires in July of this year and I can bill up to X amount…

So I got a job working in an office a little over a year ago but not as an employee. I am a contractor. Job was okay but the office is closed too many days. I guess it never dawned on me that I was legally required to work until the contract expires. I read over the contract and no where does it state that there will be a penalty for leaving early.

I found a salary position and I was just going to give a two weeks notice like “normal” tomorrow but my boyfriend seems to think I might not be able to do this because “I signed a contract, can I really just quit”

It doesn't say anywhere in the contract that I HAVE to work to a certain date just that my contract expires in July of this year and I can bill up to X amount of hours.

I am pretty sure a few other people have left and they weren't sued or anything. Idk now I am nervous and just want a second opinion. I Googled it and wasn't finding much help besides some people on Quora or whatever it's called saying one can be “fined” for not finishing a contract.

I can't afford a fine, it's why I am looking for another job. The job pays well but during the holiday months Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, then Mardi Gras, the office is closed for over 4 weeks and I am very very broke. Was offered a position that pays a little better.

I just don't want to look like a dumbass going hand in my two weeks notice and the person over me being like “uh, you know you're required to work until July, right? We are going to fine you”

Once again the contract does not state at all anything about me ending the contract. Nothing good, nothing bad. Just has the amount of hours I am allowed to bill and when the contract expires. Has some stuff about them ending the contract early with a thirty day notice if funds are cut and something about disputes, but nothing is mentioned at all about if I can end the contract early.

Any help greatly appreciated!

Edit: located Louisiana US

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