
Thank you.

Wanted to say thank you everyone. This group has given me the courage to be uncomfortable standing up to company owners and HR. Today I went in for a review and they discussed my wages. When offered $1 hr raise I told them that it didn’t even keep up with inflation and for that I will have to seek employment elsewhere. They were shocked to say the least. After some uncomfortable discussion we landed on a $5hr raise! If not for this group I would’ve never had the courage to ask for a review yet alone a raise. Thank you all and remember…. We’re all in this together.

Wanted to say thank you everyone. This group has given me the courage to be uncomfortable standing up to company owners and HR.

Today I went in for a review and they discussed my wages. When offered $1 hr raise I told them that it didn’t even keep up with inflation and for that I will have to seek employment elsewhere. They were shocked to say the least.

After some uncomfortable discussion we landed on a $5hr raise! If not for this group I would’ve never had the courage to ask for a review yet alone a raise. Thank you all and remember…. We’re all in this together.

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