
That’s it I’m fucking done.

When do the riots start. No I'm not going to sit here each and every waking moment for the rest of my life chasing something that shouldn't even be as necessary to live as it is knowing that most of us will just sit and are expected to beg for scraps. So I ask again, when do the riots start? Who do I send several thousand emails as to why humans should be allowed to let live to? I can't go on worrying about how I'll get fucked over day after day month after year for the rest of time.

When do the riots start. No I'm not going to sit here each and every waking moment for the rest of my life chasing something that shouldn't even be as necessary to live as it is knowing that most of us will just sit and are expected to beg for scraps. So I ask again, when do the riots start? Who do I send several thousand emails as to why humans should be allowed to let live to? I can't go on worrying about how I'll get fucked over day after day month after year for the rest of time.

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