
The boss installed a ring camera a few weeks ago and I just saw it briefly turn on…

A few weeks ago the boss installed a Ring camera and told no one anything about it (I saw them install it). It's directly over the registers and there are normal security cameras all around the shop and ones a metre away from the new ring. I was serving a customer and I saw that bright blue light turn on, which means someone's watching through it? Instantly felt gross, like I was being spied on, like my privacy had been invaded, like I can't be trusted. Legally I know I probably don't have any expectations of privacy since this is a private business, but it's so gross knowing my boss (or even the managers, they're all tightknit middle aged women) can go back through videos and spy on our conversations or watch how we've been working. This place used to be so good too, it used to be so relaxed…

A few weeks ago the boss installed a Ring camera and told no one anything about it (I saw them install it). It's directly over the registers and there are normal security cameras all around the shop and ones a metre away from the new ring. I was serving a customer and I saw that bright blue light turn on, which means someone's watching through it? Instantly felt gross, like I was being spied on, like my privacy had been invaded, like I can't be trusted. Legally I know I probably don't have any expectations of privacy since this is a private business, but it's so gross knowing my boss (or even the managers, they're all tightknit middle aged women) can go back through videos and spy on our conversations or watch how we've been working. This place used to be so good too, it used to be so relaxed and laid back and friendly. I want to get out of here so bad, I'm sick of being treated like an incompetent child

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