
The company’s lack of planning is not problem

While I understand and respect the desire for team work – I do not understand co-workers who allow themselves to become upset, stressed and out and push themselves to a point they are severally mentally stressed. I wish my co-workers understood that while they are running around, freaking out over the lack of staffing that I will not join them in that freak out. They are pushing themselves to meet unrealistic goals and demanding the same from others. Personally? I don't care. I will not miss break, I will not wait for coverage, I will not come out of my project time in anticipation of the company's lack of planning for proper phone coverage. We had several coworkers leave and the company was well aware they were going to be out on parental leave. A few decided to leave and not come back. I am having to miss a lot…

While I understand and respect the desire for team work – I do not understand co-workers who allow themselves to become upset, stressed and out and push themselves to a point they are severally mentally stressed.

I wish my co-workers understood that while they are running around, freaking out over the lack of staffing that I will not join them in that freak out. They are pushing themselves to meet unrealistic goals and demanding the same from others.

Personally? I don't care. I will not miss break, I will not wait for coverage, I will not come out of my project time in anticipation of the company's lack of planning for proper phone coverage.

We had several coworkers leave and the company was well aware they were going to be out on parental leave. A few decided to leave and not come back.

I am having to miss a lot of work due to high risk pregnancy and seeing several other doctors. (I have the vacation time saved btw) Sometimes I get the impression that certain people think I should be grateful when I am allowed time for my medical appointments, but the issue is, I am literally entitled for that. I will not feel bad or uncomfortable because my health and baby's health will always come first.

They frequently call me out in the group chat. These co-workers have no position of power but do not mind carrying a burden of management without extra pay or title change. It is maddening. Then they get passed over on promotions and don't understand why.

You're essentially a prostitute sucking dick for free and wondering why you're not getting paid.

Listen, I've been chewed up and spit out by companies like this before, they do not care about you or your well being. Maybe it's a generational issue, but martyrdom is not cute and it's embrassing. People like that are essentially in an abusive relationship and so proud out it. It's not a matter of work ethic at this point.

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