
The Disconnect Between Remote Workers and Their Companies Is Getting Bigger

Typical Wall Street Journal tripe – of course workers don't connect to a company's “mission.” Newsflash: None of us CARE about the company mission. I'm just here to get paid so I can go home and do things I care about with the people I care about. I'm convinced the only people who care about “mission” are the people at the top who do very little actual work. Nice how they handwave that the people with lower engagement to the mission because they work remotely are also somehow more productive or engaged with their actual work. Love how the article just shrugs and says “It's complicated!” No, you know why! It's because we can work better from home, and you know it! Twits. (Side note, Dr. Liu works at my organization, and I have a feeling they cherry-picked his interview.)

Typical Wall Street Journal tripe – of course workers don't connect to a company's “mission.” Newsflash: None of us CARE about the company mission. I'm just here to get paid so I can go home and do things I care about with the people I care about. I'm convinced the only people who care about “mission” are the people at the top who do very little actual work.

Nice how they handwave that the people with lower engagement to the mission because they work remotely are also somehow more productive or engaged with their actual work. Love how the article just shrugs and says “It's complicated!” No, you know why! It's because we can work better from home, and you know it! Twits.

(Side note, Dr. Liu works at my organization, and I have a feeling they cherry-picked his interview.)

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