
The Hiring Exam? Polygraph?

Tell me your OMG you can’t be serious job interview requirements. Here’s two recent ones: So I submit applications for two local Government jobs. I have never worked in Government, but I thought I want to look into something low key where I can get great benefits and not be super stressed while still doing a worthwhile job. I’ve got a lot of experience in finance/accounting. I write a letter being brutally honest about my experience being nil in government, and give an accurate skill analysis. Somehow these two municipalities grant me an interview. *** Job 1: Very Large City Government *** Manager: So we like your experience, and we liked your letter because you told us where you’re great, and where you need help to do this well. Most people lie. You were refreshing. Me: Thank you. I’ve never worked in government, so I want to be very honest…

Tell me your OMG you can’t be serious job interview requirements.

Here’s two recent ones:
So I submit applications for two local Government jobs. I have never worked in Government, but I thought I want to look into something low key where I can get great benefits and not be super stressed while still doing a worthwhile job. I’ve got a lot of experience in finance/accounting. I write a letter being brutally honest about my experience being nil in government, and give an accurate skill analysis. Somehow these two municipalities grant me an interview.

*** Job 1: Very Large City Government ***
Manager: So we like your experience, and we liked your letter because you told us where you’re great, and where you need help to do this well. Most people lie. You were refreshing.

Me: Thank you. I’ve never worked in government, so I want to be very honest about that while explaining how I’d get started despite that.

Manager: Excellent. Now umm this is strange, but I need to ask this before we can interview you. The FBI will polygraph you. You will also have a witnessed drug test. No privacy. We good?

Me: Like before the interview?

Manager: Well, yeah. Definitely not during.

Me: I mean the polygraph during the interview would be pretty ace if lots of people are liars.

Him: yeah but they don’t let us. We have a script we follow during the polygraph portion.

*** Job 2: Very small city government. ***

Manager: I would like to bring you in for an interview.

Me: Great. I really appreciate you giving me a chance.

Manager: So I need to cut to the chase. You were upfront about having great experience, but none doing exactly what we do. That’s fine, but I need 3 hours to understand you will fit the role.

Me: a three hour interview? Well that sounds interesting.

Manager: No, the interview isn’t that interesting. It’s an hour or less. Two hours is for the exam.

Me: Exam? On what?

Manager: The necessary skills of this incredibly detailed job. It scares people off so we tell people before the interview in case it’s a deal breaker. Saves us both time if you won’t do the exam.

Me: What is it on? Can I study something?

Manager: no. You’ll see when you take it.

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