
The Inevitable Revolution

Hello and I hope all is well. This is an unprecedented time of connectivity between us as humans. And this collective of like minded individuals is nothing short of amazing. The potential to make real, actual change seems to be at its greatest through this connectivity. Many of us are starting to become cognizant of the idea of Human. The lockdowns and the businesses closing and the jobs lost and missing of loved ones has proved to be a assiduous time. So much so that I dare say, perhaps a silver lining may be explored. For the first time. Certainly within our lifetime. Something happened. The world stopped. And for the first time we had an opportunity to do, nothing. The schedules and the obligatory gestures and the deadlines and the distractions seemed to lessen if not completely vanish. For the first time as an unabridged people, we were able…

Hello and I hope all is well. This is an unprecedented time of connectivity between us as humans. And this collective of like minded individuals is nothing short of amazing. The potential to make real, actual change seems to be at its greatest through this connectivity. Many of us are starting to become cognizant of the idea of Human.
The lockdowns and the businesses closing and the jobs lost and missing of loved ones has proved to be a assiduous time. So much so that I dare say, perhaps a silver lining may be explored. For the first time. Certainly within our lifetime. Something happened. The world stopped. And for the first time we had an opportunity to do, nothing.
The schedules and the obligatory gestures and the deadlines and the distractions seemed to lessen if not completely vanish. For the first time as an unabridged people, we were able to think. We were able to become critical of the structure of our civilization, our world as we had the singular opportunity to experience an alternative.
In this time, we have the blessedness to experience the culmination of human history. Those who came before implemented their ideas, beliefs, and concepts that we may revel today.
In many parts of our world we have developed the capacity to source and provide resources, goods, and services in abundance. So much so, that there is potential to be waseful. Many of us work a significant portion of our lives to not only develop these matters but also to acquire them. And recently, in relation to human history we've decided to use a medium to provide, develop, and acquire these matters inherently creating a sort of incentive based society.
And now, as time moves forward the production capabilities as well as the actual production of these matters or stuff, exponentially increases. And though the access and the amount of stuff becomes abundant. The medium used to attain the stuff, is becoming difficult to gain.
There's been a realization of how much time we spend. Earning. Obtaining a medium that increasingly loses its effectiveness as time progresses. How much time we spend doing things we don't connect with or care for. How much time we spend aimlessly doing. Forty hours at a time.
We are becoming aware of how this current existence my be reductive to this actual marvel of an experience. The sacrosanct existence of the Human Being.
I dare say the time is now. The Revolution will not be violent. It will not be amorphous. It will be genuine. It will be compassionate. It will be rooted in love. It will be firm. It will be Human. It's time for us to make the impersonal, personal. The familiar, strange. The participants, inactive. This will be. It has to be unprecedented.
We've realized there's a box. And now its time to think outside of it.

  • @A Reasonable Being

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