
The job market doesn’t exist

I haven't worked for seven years since I got out of the army. After seven years, I got kind of bored, and decided to go back to work just to interact with people, and save a bit of extra money while I go to EMT school, but it's impossible to find a job. Around 12 days ago I got a job at Walmart. I mean, they literally told me I had it and would get the orientation three days after I did the background check. After completing the background check, there was nothing for several days, so I called back and they told me that the hiring manager wasn't in, but that my background check was complete and I'd get a call about the orientation soon. Nothing for a couple more days, so I called back and same runaround. I call back today and the hiring manager is suspiciously not…

I haven't worked for seven years since I got out of the army. After seven years, I got kind of bored, and decided to go back to work just to interact with people, and save a bit of extra money while I go to EMT school, but it's impossible to find a job.

Around 12 days ago I got a job at Walmart. I mean, they literally told me I had it and would get the orientation three days after I did the background check. After completing the background check, there was nothing for several days, so I called back and they told me that the hiring manager wasn't in, but that my background check was complete and I'd get a call about the orientation soon. Nothing for a couple more days, so I called back and same runaround. I call back today and the hiring manager is suspiciously not able to pick up the phone, but “she'll call me in thirty minutes.”

An hour goes by and I call back, and this is when the woman on the other end slips up and says, “she's currently doing orientation.” awkward silence. Whoops. She then says she'll call me back in an hour, despite the fact that she gets off at 1 pm, and it's 1230 pm. She then corrects herself and says she'll call me tomorrow, so we both hang up.

I get back onto the Walmart hiring page I was just on, and they've locked my account and I can't get on it using another email, so I'm not even able to apply in the another nearby town. Of course I'm gonna keep calling until they tell me I'm not hired, because they told me I had the job verbatim, and even had me ready to do the drug test and orientation.

I've applied at a hundred jobs on Indeed and elsewhere, and I've only gotten a call back from one pyramid scheme. I simply don't know how anyone does it anymore. I see jobs “hiring” everywhere, in desperate need of workers, but none of them are even hiring. It seems that they're looking for young people who'll work shit hours for less than minimum wage. Hell, the Walmart hiring manager made it clear that the store was woefully understaffed, and she needed me RIGHT NOW! If I wasn't already financially established, I'd be fucking screwed. I don't know how you guys do it.

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