
The kind of bullshit “small businesses” are putting out

So full confession, I am management in a family business. But I feel that the folks in here should hear about this, because its the kind of garbage that is being tossed around at my level. I had a couple guys come in and wanted to talk to me. They were from the NFIB, the National Federation of Independent Businesses. Basically, they're supposedly lobbyists for small businesses. Honestly, rimshot at this point. So they had a bunch of right wing screeds they were putting out, which just made me laugh. I suppose assuming a lot of small business people are on the right wing is playing the odds, but not in this case. Asked me what is my major federal concern, and I said healthcare, and that I think its a pro-business point of view to have universal healthcare (its good for fucking everybody unless you're part of the vulture…

So full confession, I am management in a family business.

But I feel that the folks in here should hear about this, because its the kind of garbage that is being tossed around at my level.

I had a couple guys come in and wanted to talk to me. They were from the NFIB, the National Federation of Independent Businesses.

Basically, they're supposedly lobbyists for small businesses. Honestly, rimshot at this point.

So they had a bunch of right wing screeds they were putting out, which just made me laugh. I suppose assuming a lot of small business people are on the right wing is playing the odds, but not in this case. Asked me what is my major federal concern, and I said healthcare, and that I think its a pro-business point of view to have universal healthcare (its good for fucking everybody unless you're part of the vulture insurance industry). Bit of a recoil there, but they kept going.

This is the kind of lies they spew to people, assuming they're not going to be checked. That the Biden administration stated that “Small Businesses are a Tax Loophole”. And how they want to do a 5% “surcharge” on all small businesses. And yes, those two things are related.

The law in question is a 5 percent on any business income above $400k. For the few of you who don't understand the terminology, this is in reference to profits. Business income is what you have left over after all expenses, capital improvements, everything. Its what you stick in the kitty at the end of the year, so to speak. There are zero legit “small businesses” that would leave that kind of cash unspent at the end of the year. There would be buildings to be renovated, machines to buy, debt to pay. Fuck, if nothing else, bonuses (shitty if not shared out amongst all, I agree.).

So anybody that this would apply to is in fact a tax shelter set up by some megarich fucks, so its entirely accurate.

I swear to God, the amount of poor little me shit they fed me made me want to throw up.

And the kicker is, I did a little research because of the bad taste they left in my mouth (after hitting me up for money, and trying to peer pressure me by showing how many other local business were part of their little club).

Its funded heavily by large corporate interests. And most of their policy wins are directly beneficial to large companies over small. These poor fucks that gave these hucksters money have been fleeced. I would have more sympathy if I didn't get a massive dose of “I'm a small businessman, so I'm automatically smarter and better than my employees” that they serve out.

But as they say, know the enemy. Look up the crap that these lobbyists are putting out, and realize a lot of it is being swallowed without a single critical thought.

MODS: If this is deemed to violate rules vis a vis labor vs management, please remove. I'm a union man gone into management, but I'm still management now. Distrust me (until shown otherwise. But still distrust me.)

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