
america is the biggest scam for employees and i’m surprised we’ve gone this long without revolting

so you’re telling me that employers purposely try to pay their employees as minimal as possible and then service industries such as salons, restaurants, bars also expect the same individuals who barely get paid to pay THEIR EMPLOYEES because the billion dollar ceo cant handle a pay cut? i can’t stop thinking about this and it boils my blood. i CANT afford to pay YOUR EMPLOYEES when i have my OWN SHIT. and then let’s not forgot the big corporations that fired hundred of employees because instead of having 50 billion in revenue they only got 30 billion in revenue and have to cut costs while they are STILL billionaires regardless while they just fired people who need the job to survive and feed their families. GOD i hate america. how have we done nothing and continue to let this happen??

so you’re telling me that employers purposely try to pay their employees as minimal as possible and then service industries such as salons, restaurants, bars also expect the same individuals who barely get paid to pay THEIR EMPLOYEES because the billion dollar ceo cant handle a pay cut?

i can’t stop thinking about this and it boils my blood. i CANT afford to pay YOUR EMPLOYEES when i have my OWN SHIT.

and then let’s not forgot the big corporations that fired hundred of employees because instead of having 50 billion in revenue they only got 30 billion in revenue and have to cut costs while they are STILL billionaires regardless while they just fired people who need the job to survive and feed their families. GOD i hate america. how have we done nothing and continue to let this happen??

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