
The numbers don’t work – my employer is short paying me

(For context: I'm in Ontario, Canada) I recently took a salaried job that pays $55k a year. This job accrues 4% vacation to be paid when I take vacation. I get 2 weeks of vacation. Any other salaried job that I have had, I simply get my regular paycheque when I take vacation. My employer also shutdowns for 2 weeks of the year, which are also unpaid weeks. They are trying to tell me that the 4% accrual covers this. It doesn't. I'm in finance, no matter how I crunch the numbers, it does not add up to $55k. Additionally, the 4% accrual won't be based on $55k if there are 4 weeks that I won't be receiving a paycheque – 4% of zero is zero. To keep it simple: I'm giving up 4 weeks of pay, & that 4% accrual almost gives me 2 weeks back. So, I'm short…

(For context: I'm in Ontario, Canada)

I recently took a salaried job that pays $55k a year. This job accrues 4% vacation to be paid when I take vacation. I get 2 weeks of vacation.

Any other salaried job that I have had, I simply get my regular paycheque when I take vacation.

My employer also shutdowns for 2 weeks of the year, which are also unpaid weeks.

They are trying to tell me that the 4% accrual covers this. It doesn't. I'm in finance, no matter how I crunch the numbers, it does not add up to $55k.

Additionally, the 4% accrual won't be based on $55k if there are 4 weeks that I won't be receiving a paycheque – 4% of zero is zero.

To keep it simple: I'm giving up 4 weeks of pay, & that 4% accrual almost gives me 2 weeks back. So, I'm short 2 weeks of pay & my salary will come in at just under $53/k.

Apparently I am the only person in this rather large company who understands this math. Which makes me question my math.

Am I wrong in my thinking that I'm getting ripped off $2k a year here?

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