
The point system sucks.

It’s such a lazy way to do things and punishes people for things out of their control. For instance, I’ve gotten 2.5 points this month due to getting sick twice, even with a doctors note. To make matters worse, the only place I could have gotten sick is at work because it’s the only place I’ve been this month. Why should I be punished for trying NOT to spread the stomach flu and regular flu around to everyone at work? And I don’t even know if I’m getting paid for this since everywhere has stopped caring about covid, so I may be homeless in two weeks. Y’all, please pray to whatever you believe in that I get paid for these two days I’m out, because I’m screwed if I don’t.

It’s such a lazy way to do things and punishes people for things out of their control. For instance, I’ve gotten 2.5 points this month due to getting sick twice, even with a doctors note. To make matters worse, the only place I could have gotten sick is at work because it’s the only place I’ve been this month.

Why should I be punished for trying NOT to spread the stomach flu and regular flu around to everyone at work? And I don’t even know if I’m getting paid for this since everywhere has stopped caring about covid, so I may be homeless in two weeks.

Y’all, please pray to whatever you believe in that I get paid for these two days I’m out, because I’m screwed if I don’t.

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