
The Psychology Behind Fear of Calling Out

What’s with the psychology behind being afraid to call out from work? Without revealing too much, let’s just say that I’m pretty sure my newish boss is a psychopath, so calling out has me going through all of these scenarios in my head before actually doing so (over thinking). And I consider myself to be a pretty strong person mentally, but enough is enough, when it comes to employers being absolute nutcases regarding LEGITIMATE call outs! Like most places, we’re understaffed, so one person calling out throws everything off. It’s a mad house. It’s 2023 and employers act as if they’ve learned NOTHING from the last 2-3 years! If I were an employer (I’ve had my own side businesses previously, but it was only me or me & 1 other person), I’d improve where I needed to improve, so that there is no toxicity coming from management or other employees…

What’s with the psychology behind being afraid to call out from work? Without revealing too much, let’s just say that I’m pretty sure my newish boss is a psychopath, so calling out has me going through all of these scenarios in my head before actually doing so (over thinking). And I consider myself to be a pretty strong person mentally, but enough is enough, when it comes to employers being absolute nutcases regarding LEGITIMATE call outs!

Like most places, we’re understaffed, so one person calling out throws everything off. It’s a mad house.

It’s 2023 and employers act as if they’ve learned NOTHING from the last 2-3 years!

If I were an employer (I’ve had my own side businesses previously, but it was only me or me & 1 other person), I’d improve where I needed to improve, so that there is no toxicity coming from management or other employees in the workplace. I’d also be looking at the fact of how the market swings, and how if things continue at the current pace, this WILL BE an employee’s market again very soon!

What am I missing here?

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