
The raise I was supposedly given a year and a half ago was a lie?

So, in June of 2021, my manager came upto me and a coworker. He talked to both of us separately, but were given the same speech. Could’ve just done it at the same time to both of us but whatever. Hiding something..? Anyways, he told us that we were both getting a raise to $13/hr. Previously making $12. Come to find out that while doing my health benefits a few weeks ago, I just turned 26 in July 2022, that HR/Payroll has my wage listed at the previous $12. I found this weird as I thought I had been getting paid $13 for the past 18 months. Also, to add to this, new hires in the same position I am are paid $3/hr more than I am. I’ve been here over 5 years, however, that’s a different story for later. Sadly, I don’t personally have a hard copy of the…

So, in June of 2021, my manager came upto me and a coworker. He talked to both of us separately, but were given the same speech. Could’ve just done it at the same time to both of us but whatever. Hiding something..? Anyways, he told us that we were both getting a raise to $13/hr. Previously making $12. Come to find out that while doing my health benefits a few weeks ago, I just turned 26 in July 2022, that HR/Payroll has my wage listed at the previous $12. I found this weird as I thought I had been getting paid $13 for the past 18 months. Also, to add to this, new hires in the same position I am are paid $3/hr more than I am. I’ve been here over 5 years, however, that’s a different story for later. Sadly, I don’t personally have a hard copy of the sheet I signed for the raise, but it seems to me like maybe he wanted to think I was getting one to continue having me work here, but just made that document disappear and never gave me the raise he said he would. My establishment of employment also stopped giving out paper check stubs a few years ago, you can ask for one if needed but I haven’t needed to, so I had no idea until now. As I am a mathematically inclined individual, I figured out that if this is to be true I am owed a total of at least $2,500 from this incident. I have also been watching my hours and back calculating them to find out what my hourly rate it is. Numbers so far seem to be consistent with $12. Currently weighing my options and looking to get out of this place of employment. As it doesn’t seem like they appreciate what I do.

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