
The rich are going to use this subreddit against you

I won’t be surprised if this subreddit or this topic will be cited as a reason nobody can find work. They will say there’s a growing “movement” and culture of people who don’t want to work and that’s why everyone is unemployed and being replaced by robots. If only people would just put the work in we wouldn’t be getting poorer, it’s obviously not the rich’s fault, just look at this popular subreddit where people complain about having to work.

I won’t be surprised if this subreddit or this topic will be cited as a reason nobody can find work. They will say there’s a growing “movement” and culture of people who don’t want to work and that’s why everyone is unemployed and being replaced by robots.

If only people would just put the work in we wouldn’t be getting poorer, it’s obviously not the rich’s fault, just look at this popular subreddit where people complain about having to work.

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