
The system is broken

Just another rant for strikes and unionization. Somewhere in the 50's-70's the system went from being partly for the working man to fully for the corporations. There was a time where our wealth was dispersed, with a strong healthy working class supporting it. Unionization and general strikes are inevitable in order to restore our working class foundation. Assembly is our right and results are easier than we think. It only take 3.5% of a nation to make substantial undeniable change. 11.62 million US citizens taking a few days off work together. 99.18 million of us watched the super bowl.

Just another rant for strikes and unionization. Somewhere in the 50's-70's the system went from being partly for the working man to fully for the corporations. There was a time where our wealth was dispersed, with a strong healthy working class supporting it. Unionization and general strikes are inevitable in order to restore our working class foundation.

Assembly is our right and results are easier than we think. It only take 3.5% of a nation to make substantial undeniable change. 11.62 million US citizens taking a few days off work together. 99.18 million of us watched the super bowl.

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