
The Taco Bar..

This isn’t as bad, but I need to vent this stupidity. So I work for a well known company. I have amassed over a decade of work history with this company. I’ve had meetings in which I have requested and discussed critiques and reviews of myself to try and climb the ranks and essentially get more pay. Over the 2 raises I’ve gotten in the past 6 years, it’s totaled $1. Wow, right. My last request for a raise was denied due to “inadequate service to clients” (keep that in mind). Anyway last week, this client comes in, and knows 0 English. Now I’m not bilingual, but I’ve grown up with enough Spanish around me to keep a conversation. Plus I have enough common sense to use catalogues, and pictures, and spanish numbers i learned in elementary school to help. NONE OF MY HIGHERUPS ARE ABLE TO SERVE THIS CLIENT…

This isn’t as bad, but I need to vent this stupidity. So I work for a well known company. I have amassed over a decade of work history with this company. I’ve had meetings in which I have requested and discussed critiques and reviews of myself to try and climb the ranks and essentially get more pay. Over the 2 raises I’ve gotten in the past 6 years, it’s totaled $1. Wow, right. My last request for a raise was denied due to “inadequate service to clients” (keep that in mind). Anyway last week, this client comes in, and knows 0 English. Now I’m not bilingual, but I’ve grown up with enough Spanish around me to keep a conversation. Plus I have enough common sense to use catalogues, and pictures, and spanish numbers i learned in elementary school to help. NONE OF MY HIGHERUPS ARE ABLE TO SERVE THIS CLIENT WHO NEEDS TO PLACE A VERY EXPENSIVE ORDER!! I promptly hop in with my minimum Spanish skills and end up making the guest extremely happy, which translated into a ton of $$ for the company. I had already scheduled a meeting to discuss a raise and figured I’d throw this new win in, hoping it would work in my favor. The results of the meeting summarized:
“Your service has show improvement but not enough to justify monetary value. Raise denied.”

I was fine. I thought “I’ll just keep going at it, while I’m searching for other work”, until I went into work yesterday and saw they had ordered for lunch a FREAKING TACO BAR, as appreciation to my service to guest…

I couldn’t take it anymore. Years of being over looked, and under paid, only to overproduce for this greedy company for them to line their pockets with cash and reward us with crumbs in the form of a taco party… iknow it seems small but I felt way past unappreciated. I promptly prepared a 2 weeks notice and turned it in. I have not responded to any emails or phone calls I’ve gotten.

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