
The thought of any long-term job sounds miserable

I’m about to go into my sophomore year in college, and I’m dreading the future. I’m a computer science major, and while I used to have some interest in the subject, I’ve become very depressed and am struggling to motivate myself through the major. The problem is I have no idea what to switch to. No job sounds satisfying or fulfilling, and every job seems depressing. I want a job that helps people, but so many jobs such as Physicians require so much extra schooling and money I do not have. So many jobs out there simply do not pay enough to the point I will likely be in debt for over a decade (and this is if I don’t start any family at all during that time and live minimalistic). I don’t know what to do and nothing feels inspiring or fulfilling at all, and I don’t know what…

I’m about to go into my sophomore year in college, and I’m dreading the future. I’m a computer science major, and while I used to have some interest in the subject, I’ve become very depressed and am struggling to motivate myself through the major.

The problem is I have no idea what to switch to. No job sounds satisfying or fulfilling, and every job seems depressing. I want a job that helps people, but so many jobs such as Physicians require so much extra schooling and money I do not have. So many jobs out there simply do not pay enough to the point I will likely be in debt for over a decade (and this is if I don’t start any family at all during that time and live minimalistic).

I don’t know what to do and nothing feels inspiring or fulfilling at all, and I don’t know what to so. A 9-5 sounds depressing no matter where I work. I’m struggling so much with my mental health, especially right now since I recently lost some family members. I don’t have the motivation for these classes, but jobs seem pretty hopeless without a degree. I don’t know what to do.

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