
The U.S. Dream is a Lie

And we can argue the ones that are lied to the most, are the U.S. citizens. My Uncle, mid class family of 5 in a third world country of Latam, between 80 and 100 USD from his paycheck is used to pay health insurance, FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY. His wife has cancer, she needed some pills as a part of her treatment, those costed around 3 to 5k each, the insurance paid for every one of them, she only paid 12$ USD for the appointments. You may choose to not believe me. As kids we are told many times that we should go to the U.S. and work because a waiter there makes more than an engineer here, this sub showed me that only the lucky ones among the already lucky ones have a good life.

And we can argue the ones that are lied to the most, are the U.S. citizens.

My Uncle, mid class family of 5 in a third world country of Latam, between 80 and 100 USD from his paycheck is used to pay health insurance, FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY. His wife has cancer, she needed some pills as a part of her treatment, those costed around 3 to 5k each, the insurance paid for every one of them, she only paid 12$ USD for the appointments. You may choose to not believe me.

As kids we are told many times that we should go to the U.S. and work because a waiter there makes more than an engineer here, this sub showed me that only the lucky ones among the already lucky ones have a good life.

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