
THEIR profits are not YOUR profits.

At my last job(McDonald's), the restaurant made $900 in like 4 hours. The head manager was super happy and told everyone “Good job!” but when I asked if everyone who worked the floor could get a small bonus in our checks, suddenly it just wasn't possible. I'm not a math wiz but if we make $900, then we should be able to have an extra $40 or $50 in everybody's (like 6 people's) checks and not harm the bottom line. Also, the manager made sure I got just under 40 hours every other week cuz only workers who worked 40 hrs consistently could have overtime pay. Not mad at the manager, just mad at the company.

At my last job(McDonald's), the restaurant made $900 in like 4 hours. The head manager was super happy and told everyone “Good job!” but when I asked if everyone who worked the floor could get a small bonus in our checks, suddenly it just wasn't possible. I'm not a math wiz but if we make $900, then we should be able to have an extra $40 or $50 in everybody's (like 6 people's) checks and not harm the bottom line. Also, the manager made sure I got just under 40 hours every other week cuz only workers who worked 40 hrs consistently could have overtime pay. Not mad at the manager, just mad at the company.

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