
There needs to be a change in work mindset in America

I recently graduated college and have seen a common pattern among my friends who are salaried. They think that because they're salaried, they're not hourly workers which means: if their job requires them to work more than the 9-5/6, then that's fine because they're getting paid a salary. I really hate this way of thinking since if you look at your pay (salaried or not), they pay you some hourly rate. Whenever I try to challenge them on this they tell me that I'm being an ungrateful brat (in a joking way but still haha) because I'm a software developer and that means I shouldn't complain. Fair enough, I don't have the same struggles as them. But it's still common in my field to work extra hours and not expect to be paid overtime. The other problem is these people who don't take any PTO. They're paid days off and…

I recently graduated college and have seen a common pattern among my friends who are salaried. They think that because they're salaried, they're not hourly workers which means: if their job requires them to work more than the 9-5/6, then that's fine because they're getting paid a salary. I really hate this way of thinking since if you look at your pay (salaried or not), they pay you some hourly rate. Whenever I try to challenge them on this they tell me that I'm being an ungrateful brat (in a joking way but still haha) because I'm a software developer and that means I shouldn't complain. Fair enough, I don't have the same struggles as them. But it's still common in my field to work extra hours and not expect to be paid overtime.

The other problem is these people who don't take any PTO. They're paid days off and you're meant to take them. When the company comes up with your offer letter, I have no doubt they factor in PTO so you're really just screwing yourself.

I don't know… I do think that working hard to an extent is a virtuous quality but I don't believe that when it comes to these companies who see you as a number. If you were a business owner and you worked a lot of overtime with no days off, then that's fine. But I wish people just saw their jobs for what they are. A means to an end: money, financial security, food on the table, etc. Don't give them your lives too.

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