
“They” are closing every door but labor(or military)

(This is from an American, so views are biased and may not be relevant to your struggles) I don't think it's a “eye in the pyramid” sort of thinking anymore. To me, this all feels like it's being actively orchestrated and they're trying to ensure there is a plentiful workforce of meat to lift/move/sort things or canon fodderAI is already being used to take jobs away from anyone who doesn't have a BBA. I have friends who are musicians, animators, illustrators, graphic designers etc and understandably they're feeling pretty threatened right now. Apparently even programmers could be replaced in the future? They're also really into destroying social safety nets and from personal experience when that happens your only two options are to work yourself to exhaustion every day- or die. You have no room to catch your breath. You don't have the option to work “smarter not harder” as a…

(This is from an American, so views are biased and may not be relevant to your struggles)

I don't think it's a “eye in the pyramid” sort of thinking anymore. To me, this all feels like it's being actively orchestrated and they're trying to ensure there is a plentiful workforce of meat to lift/move/sort things or canon fodderAI is already being used to take jobs away from anyone who doesn't have a BBA. I have friends who are musicians, animators, illustrators, graphic designers etc and understandably they're feeling pretty threatened right now. Apparently even programmers could be replaced in the future?

They're also really into destroying social safety nets and from personal experience when that happens your only two options are to work yourself to exhaustion every day- or die. You have no room to catch your breath. You don't have the option to work “smarter not harder” as a means out of the mess because when you're struggling to take care of the bottom two tiers of Maslow's hierarchy you're not gonna get to the rest.

They don't like public education because aside from explaining to children the series of events that lead to the current day hellscape they've created, they also don't want their tax dollars being used to educate anyone's children but their own. In limiting this resource, generations grow up with only the skills to do simple work.

They WILL of course provide substantially more for people willing to kill other people for them. I have a friend who became an officer in the navy and despite the house for his wife and kids he still HATES this country and he hates the fact he has become far less able to identify with civilians. Thankfully he became an electrical engineer and has not been in combat because even he has said he couldn't handle the risk of killing a civilian. Despite coming from a military family, the money and skills he's learned he is the first to remind anyone who thinks of enlisting they are US govt property first and foremost.

The last two points may be less substantial to support my logic:

  1. I notice they abhor public transportation. I live in a flyover state and aside from working every year to decrease the already lackluster bus system they are dead set on protecting railroads from being used for anything besides transporting chemicals and materials. In general they don't like public transit because they feel it's being used by lazy people living off their taxes- but I feel like people who make money off the local work force benefit from citizens being unable to move away, potentially decreasing their work force.
  2. They are dismantling reproductive rights and de-normalizing queerness. Aside from whatever ideological cause they claim to be fighting for, I don't think it's too much of a stretch to say they're aiming for an increased birthrate. A big concern of theirs is that we aren't making enough babies.

So yeah in my mind this isn't some hypothetical, they are trying to close off every option so they have a plentiful supply of cattle. I'm sure there are a lot of folks going “well duh” but the feeling of sci-fi being reality is pretty surreal isn't it?

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