
They are pieces of shit.

I walked out of my job a couple of days ago after seeing I have shifted departments without my say-so. As well this week my hours were cut in half and next week to a third. As I was walking out my manager said he was willing to work with me. But I brought up plenty of examples of how he wasn't willing to do it. The entire time I have been working there, they have been overscheduling, schedule me a few times outside of my availability, and now these things. Plus he was a very distant person, and never really spoke to me since I started there. So today I called HR to see if I get further reasoning I was being forced to quit. But she couldn't provide anything since she worked at the main store. But told me to talk to him as he was probably willing…

I walked out of my job a couple of days ago after seeing I have shifted departments without my say-so. As well this week my hours were cut in half and next week to a third. As I was walking out my manager said he was willing to work with me. But I brought up plenty of examples of how he wasn't willing to do it. The entire time I have been working there, they have been overscheduling, schedule me a few times outside of my availability, and now these things. Plus he was a very distant person, and never really spoke to me since I started there.

So today I called HR to see if I get further reasoning I was being forced to quit. But she couldn't provide anything since she worked at the main store. But told me to talk to him as he was probably willing to work with me. But even she didn't seem to understand how he was not willing to work with me, even after I brought up the examples. As she could only say that it was my fault for not talking to him about my availability. Even though I left him a note as well they ask for it when they hired me.

However, I still decided to call my manager again. Where he still couldn't tell me why my hours were cut. My HR said it was probably people coming back from vacation. So I questioned him and he said that we have got no new hires and no one is coming back from vacation. So I guess that hours have disappeared, even with me working in two departments he still couldn't find the hours that I have been working since starting.

As I was hanging up, I told him he was a piece of shit because it was so freaking stupid how they can completely screw you over. Thankfully I am blessed enough to have interviews lined up already but until I get paid from that job, I kind of get screwed for a couple of weeks. I hate how they can just get away with it or think it is completely okay.

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