
They fired me because I was “too good” at my job

I just remembered that in one of my first jobs as a teacher they fired me at the very last day of school year because I was “too good at working with the grade you are currently with” and that they needed someone that could be volatile and teach other grades if needed. The thing is, I tried to explain to them that I would be as good as I was regardless of the grade they put me at because my work as a professional was amazing, not because I ended up with an outstanding performance in that grade. I even told them that I had experience with every grade under my diploma but they fired me either way. Parents were mad at the coordination and students were crying and asking to call me, and they told them I had decided to change schools. To this day I haven’t completely…

I just remembered that in one of my first jobs as a teacher they fired me at the very last day of school year because I was “too good at working with the grade you are currently with” and that they needed someone that could be volatile and teach other grades if needed.

The thing is, I tried to explain to them that I would be as good as I was regardless of the grade they put me at because my work as a professional was amazing, not because I ended up with an outstanding performance in that grade. I even told them that I had experience with every grade under my diploma but they fired me either way.

Parents were mad at the coordination and students were crying and asking to call me, and they told them I had decided to change schools. To this day I haven’t completely gotten over it.

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