
They literally took it all

I did the job I fucking excelled I volunteered time I took overtime assignments I smiled everyday I covered I trained I sat on your interview panels and judged my equals I asked about your vacations to imagine foreign lands you escaped to four times a year I helped clean your passive income residence and walked home to my complex You think my resignation was, “the best thing to happen to your department. ” I am better than that, but you can keep my tears, they're the last to be shed for employment.

I did the job
I fucking excelled
I volunteered time
I took overtime assignments
I smiled everyday
I covered
I trained
I sat on your interview panels and judged my equals

I asked about your vacations to imagine foreign lands you escaped to four times a year

I helped clean your passive income residence and walked home to my complex

You think my resignation was, “the best thing to happen to your department. “

I am better than that, but you can keep my tears, they're the last to be shed for employment.

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