
They say money doesn’t buy happiness

They say money doesn’t buy happiness but have you ever skipped a meal because you couldn’t afford to eat? Have you ever stolen necessities like toilet paper because you’re out and you have $0.13 in your bank account? Have you ever boiled water because the heating bill hasn’t been paid and they decided to shut it off? How about building a fort in the living room and using flashlights to play “camping” with your parents because they couldn’t pay the power bill? Or hearing shots outside your window while you’re home alone, even though you’re trying to move out but no one will approve your income, because there just isn’t enough. I was really sick but I wanted to work, and I couldn’t hold a job for more than a couple months at a time because they expected more from me. But of course I couldn’t get a doctors visit…

They say money doesn’t buy happiness but have you ever skipped a meal because you couldn’t afford to eat?

Have you ever stolen necessities like toilet paper because you’re out and you have $0.13 in your bank account?

Have you ever boiled water because the heating bill hasn’t been paid and they decided to shut it off?

How about building a fort in the living room and using flashlights to play “camping” with your parents because they couldn’t pay the power bill?

Or hearing shots outside your window while you’re home alone, even though you’re trying to move out but no one will approve your income, because there just isn’t enough.

I was really sick but I wanted to work, and I couldn’t hold a job for more than a couple months at a time because they expected more from me. But of course I couldn’t get a doctors visit because I couldn’t afford it, and I sure as hell couldn’t get on insurance while being unable to work.

Poverty isn’t a choice, it’s a cycle and a trap.

When I have money I can afford to do my hobbies, like keeping animals and building new enclosures. That makes me happy.

When I have money I can go out to dinner with my boyfriend, and we laugh and talk while we eat. That makes me happy.

When I have money I can drive anywhere and not have to worry about how much gas is in my tank. That makes me happy.

When I have money I can buy makeup, clothes and hair products, so I don’t feel like an ugly mess. That makes me happy.

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