
This company is sabotaging itself…

I worked for this company for 3 years now and I witnessed a lot of bad decisions they made but now I just can’t help but laugh at this. I work in a factory and we had 12 clients (some big companies). Recently they made a deal with 3 more. The assembly line were built for 2 out of 3 but they had to move the Warehouse to the other side of the city. Now if I order something it’s gonna be 4 hours before it arrives. This whole thing leads to several problems: We, the Material Handlers, have to work harder and more calculated since because the truck comes every 4 hours from the WH it’s necessary to have all the materials ordered in time. But sometimes it’s impossible since all the assembly lines make multiple models of the finished product. And when they change models it is important…

I worked for this company for 3 years now and I witnessed a lot of bad decisions they made but now I just can’t help but laugh at this.

I work in a factory and we had 12 clients (some big companies). Recently they made a deal with 3 more. The assembly line were built for 2 out of 3 but they had to move the Warehouse to the other side of the city. Now if I order something it’s gonna be 4 hours before it arrives. This whole thing leads to several problems:

  1. We, the Material Handlers, have to work harder and more calculated since because the truck comes every 4 hours from the WH it’s necessary to have all the materials ordered in time. But sometimes it’s impossible since all the assembly lines make multiple models of the finished product. And when they change models it is important to have the materials for that as well.

  2. We need more personnel (at least 6 more only in my department alone) yet the company doesn’t hire enough people (sometimes not at all) nor pay them enough to make them stay. We lost a lot of colleagues because of the low salary we have compared to the prices in this country.

The funny thing is that they did not started any preparation in time so the workers are stretched very thin (barely enough). I plan to leave at the end of the year since 1) Too much work for how little they pay and how much time I spend on work related things. 2) I will finally finish paying off my loans. And with a driver’s license I will be able to get a better job.

What do you guys think?

Edit: I’m talking about Romanian prices.

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