
This has got to fucking stop (Most Job Boards/Companies Do This Now)

I’m unemployed right now and looking for a job, the job market is a shitshow and I really wish they would stop with the archaic practices of waiting weeks to tell you if your hired, or doing these dumb fucking mini interviews before the actual interview like they do on indeed and other job board sites now. I’m seeing this little trend where they make you go through a series of fucking questions and then they want you to explain why you want the job and why you want to work for them, and then after all of that plus the assessments, they then want you to go on camera and pretty do a self taped interview and then when you pass that… you get (drumroll please) AN ACTUAL INTERVIEW! Hooray!!! Buuuut (and here’s the big but) if you don’t pass the final interview, guess what? No job .. See…

I’m unemployed right now and looking for a job, the job market is a shitshow and I really wish they would stop with the archaic practices of waiting weeks to tell you if your hired, or doing these dumb fucking mini interviews before the actual interview like they do on indeed and other job board sites now.

I’m seeing this little trend where they make you go through a series of fucking questions and then they want you to explain why you want the job and why you want to work for them, and then after all of that plus the assessments, they then want you to go on camera and pretty do a self taped interview and then when you pass that… you get (drumroll please) AN ACTUAL INTERVIEW! Hooray!!! Buuuut (and here’s the big but) if you don’t pass the final interview, guess what? No job ..

See this type of shit would actually be funny if I was watching a character go through this in some coming of age comedy about corporate imperialism and the stupidity of the job market and how they treat us 20-somethings but this isn’t Netflix, and this isn’t fucking funny.

This is our lives that their playing with, a lot of the times I find myself wishing I was born in the older generation where all you had to do was walk in, speak to an actual human fucking being, give them your resume and based on your actual skills and qualifications (NOT DUMBASS “KEYWORDS” SCANNED BY A.I) they would hire you on the spot or flat out tell you “sorry your not our ideal candidate” all within a span of 3 days. Like my God, is it that fucking hard to do that? Instead of wasting peoples time? I’ve been jobless since June, I was able to pay the July rent but now I’ve $0 to my name and rent has to be paid on the 1st.

Why do indeed and other job boards send me messages from employers making me jump through hoops just to fucking apply for a position they said “we’re interested in you for this position” for, only to then turn around a week later and go “sorry we’ve chosen other candidates” like I am this close 🤏 to tearing my hair out.

Not to mention Tiktok sends me a lovely video of some girl who literally got the job I wanted so easily and she bough a house in cali within just TWO YEARS OF WORKING (She’s a media buyer and worked for an agency, now she has her own clients) and she showed how she got the job by hiring a recruiter to not only do her whole resume and cover letter for her but to apply to jobs on her behalf and speak to employers for her.

A solid strategy no doubt but I couldn’t have gotten this info at the worst time (again $0 to my name) also I’ve looked for these jobs on indeed and not only do the companies in my city want you to do more than what a typical media buyer does, they want you to not only do what Iman Gadzhi teaches you in his courses, but some of them also said they want you to do coding too, all for a measly sum of $30-$40k per year. Oh and may I mention they also want you to have 4yrs of experience and a college degree

I should add that although this would be a bump in my pay (my last job was only $17hr) I live in fucking Toronto and this amount of money for that amount of work just isn’t feasible especially when at most agencies you’d have a team of people doing all of this as opposed to one person doing it all.

I’m 26, jobless, behind on rent and I need a job quick, I’m looking to get into the digital marketing industry but there’s no jobs here in the city for entry level, I’ve thought about entering the tech field and even started learning Web Development on FreeCodeCamp but that’s going to take a year of study and building projects just to be qualified to even apply to those positions and time isn’t on my side..

To make matters worse I have crippling ADHD I’ve not been able to get any help since moving here for it, I went to a clinic near my crib and the doctor flat out told me to go to a private clinic that costs $2000-$3000 despite the fact that I’ve already been diagnosed since I was a kid. She also asked me if I had a family Dr to which I stupidly replied “yes” cus I was thinking of my childhood Dr. She immediately told me to go to her and kicked me out of her office. (Yes, my friends in the USA, Canadas free healthcare is worse than yours, worse so if your on the spectrum or are ADHD/Neurodivergent)

Anyone her who’s been in a similar situation have any advice on what to do? I’m all ears. Im sick and tired of all of this.

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