
This is a formulated opinion

And as such should be taken with a grain of salt. I am in no way saying or implying this is actually true, only that I’m frightened it could be. These wealthy people like Elon who are all about space exploration, and colonizing mars. Corporations would have literal slaves if they could, but that’s illegal on earth. On earth and the possessions earth claims(the ISS, arguably the moon). Mars has not been claimed yet.

And as such should be taken with a grain of salt. I am in no way saying or implying this is actually true, only that I’m frightened it could be.

These wealthy people like Elon who are all about space exploration, and colonizing mars. Corporations would have literal slaves if they could, but that’s illegal on earth. On earth and the possessions earth claims(the ISS, arguably the moon). Mars has not been claimed yet.

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