
This is why working under capitalism is pointless

All the billionaires in the United States are worth 4.48 trillion dollars and that’s just counting the billionaires. With that money you could hand out 4.4 million to 100 million people in the untied states let’s say. Or to be fair give every citizen in the country a million dollars. I think the pandemic proved that our money ain’t worth shit. The moment everyone had a paltry couple grand in their accounts supplies tanked. Capitalism is the greatest scam since organized religion. It only has value through forced scarcity and if that wasn’t the case there would be no goods to purchase. It pisses me off that I’m breaking my back everyday for something that’s worth nothing while contributing to this broken system.

All the billionaires in the United States are worth 4.48 trillion dollars and that’s just counting the billionaires. With that money you could hand out 4.4 million to 100 million people in the untied states let’s say. Or to be fair give every citizen in the country a million dollars. I think the pandemic proved that our money ain’t worth shit. The moment everyone had a paltry couple grand in their accounts supplies tanked. Capitalism is the greatest scam since organized religion. It only has value through forced scarcity and if that wasn’t the case there would be no goods to purchase. It pisses me off that I’m breaking my back everyday for something that’s worth nothing while contributing to this broken system.

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