
This job hunt has been hell

First off how many times I have to put in the same information on the same applications that also needs my resume with all the same info on it, just to get an email back that I need to apply on the official website and write in all the same info again OR the jobs that string you along with no desire to actually hire, like the one I had to check in with every day for over a month before the managers were actually in store, and then stopped talking to me after they filled out all my paperwork OR the job offers that just never respond, no follow-up, no rejection email, which is 95% of the jobs OR the jobs I've been applying to that want me to make the job my entire life, telling me I can't wrestle on the weekends because they might need me over…

First off how many times I have to put in the same information on the same applications that also needs my resume with all the same info on it, just to get an email back that I need to apply on the official website and write in all the same info again

OR the jobs that string you along with no desire to actually hire, like the one I had to check in with every day for over a month before the managers were actually in store, and then stopped talking to me after they filled out all my paperwork

OR the job offers that just never respond, no follow-up, no rejection email, which is 95% of the jobs

OR the jobs I've been applying to that want me to make the job my entire life, telling me I can't wrestle on the weekends because they might need me over the weekend so they won't consider my application even though I have more than enough experience within the industry

I'm just burnt out from job hunting. I've been out of a job for over a month and a half, I'm trying to make it as a wrestler, but I need a job to be able to afford this life. I couldn't even get unemployment after being fired from my last job for trying to organize a union

I just needed to rant, this is so stressful and annoying

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