
This morning a police vehicle rammed my car speeding, damaging my front tire in the process and preventing me from getting to work. Boss then fires me for not being able to get to work on my 2nd day, been stuck since..

To start, I was actually supposed to start my 2nd day at my new job today, which I though would be a stepping stone to better things, but lost it due to this incident. I'm technically homeless though I live out my car so that's something over my head. I had been looking for work for months wrecking my credit and doing all possible to keep above water. Services have me waiting with no responses for a loooong time, this incident has messed up everything. So a police officer was speeding for some reason, chasing/trying to get somewhere not sure but that's irrelevant. Why I am pissed off is because this idiot who can't drive had rammed my car, which pushed it into some equipment & metal pipes on the side damaging my right tire. Hit and run into my vehicle. “Protect and serve” it says on the car. Damage…

To start, I was actually supposed to start my 2nd day at my new job today, which I though would be a stepping stone to better things, but lost it due to this incident. I'm technically homeless though I live out my car so that's something over my head. I had been looking for work for months wrecking my credit and doing all possible to keep above water. Services have me waiting with no responses for a loooong time, this incident has messed up everything.

So a police officer was speeding for some reason, chasing/trying to get somewhere not sure but that's irrelevant. Why I am pissed off is because this idiot who can't drive had rammed my car, which pushed it into some equipment & metal pipes on the side damaging my right tire.

Hit and run into my vehicle. “Protect and serve” it says on the car.

Damage to my tire.

I tried my best to get a pic of the idiots license plate or anything else. However, my poverty phone cam was just to poor in quality to make out anything. When you're poor, you can't even protect yourself because your tech is out of date:

Can't make out plate.

“Protect and serve” I don't know who the hell they are fooling with that.

Sadly, there were only a couple places with cams facing out far into the street, and they didn't give me much better with their angles. Sad fact is whoever this guy is he got away with it, no accountability for my tire.

I was supposed to get to work by 9:00AM, but because of this I was stuck in whatever block I was in failing to find someone who can help with the tire. I called my boss and explained what happened. He sympathized but said it's not the companies problem and that he didn't like me blaming the police. He told me he'd mark me as “no show” and have me terminated if I couldn't get there by 11AM showing he was an ass anyway. I couldn't, so I've now lost my job and opportunity to turn things around and have to go back to job hunting.

But I'm still stuck here, the cheapest nearby merchant will give me a used tire for $40 but I have no means of getting it. I went from homeless living out of a car with no job, homeless with a job, to homeless without a job again in just a week. I got nothing to pay $40 for a tire despite the cheap price, so I've been forced to sit here for hours from 7:40AM or so and now it's early evening. The car barely drives so a tire is needed.

Where exactly is my protection? Who's serving me?

The part that bothers me most is that cops can just do this and get away with it and there's no compensation because of that. A legal hit and run.

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