
This one reason no one serves now

This is yet another reason no one wants to serve in the military. This doesn't even include the multitude of stupid shit our poor service members go through. There's a guy on YouTube shorts that goes over this a bunch. For example; You need to borrow a hammer. The equipment guys have you sign it out, which I mean fair enough gotta keep people accountable. What happens if you loose the hammer on accident? Can you just buy them a new one? Nope. Has to be a particular hammer. Ok I guess, if I find it on my own and buy it will that be ok? Nope. Has to be through this system. So what now? Oh we're gonna charge you $500 for a new hammer. And that's not even the start of it. How much do the folks who risk their lives defending our nation make? Can you guess?…

This is yet another reason no one wants to serve in the military. This doesn't even include the multitude of stupid shit our poor service members go through. There's a guy on YouTube shorts that goes over this a bunch. For example;
You need to borrow a hammer. The equipment guys have you sign it out, which I mean fair enough gotta keep people accountable.

What happens if you loose the hammer on accident? Can you just buy them a new one?

Nope. Has to be a particular hammer.

Ok I guess, if I find it on my own and buy it will that be ok?

Nope. Has to be through this system.

So what now?

Oh we're gonna charge you $500 for a new hammer.

And that's not even the start of it. How much do the folks who risk their lives defending our nation make? Can you guess? E-1s only get paid about $11 an hour. I found that using a wage calculator I found on Omni calculator and the following numbers and assumptions:
1) round the yearly pay to the nearest hundred dollars (about 23500)
2) a forty hour workweek
3) no taxes
Sure, that rank is a training rank. Up through E-3. Let's run those calculations for every rank above E-1, shall we?
E-2: $12.40/hr
E-3: $13.03/hr
E-4: $14.42/hr
E-5: $15.77/hr
E-6: $17.21/hr

And that's not the end of it. If the USFG wants you to work a week straight you are obliged to do it. So your effective hourly wage drops even lower. What about hosting? If your not on base your only gonna get $1100 a month that's a huge help, but not nearly enough these days.

I wonder why no one wants to serve any more. Some one better call Scooby Doo.

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