
This sub needs to stop vilifying hard workers

I've been seeing this a lot lately. There are a ton of people in this sub who think that their lives are being made more difficult by hard-working coworkers. The most commonly regurgitated sentiment is “Hard work isn't rewarded with anything except more work, and you're just making all the rest of us look bad! Stop being a boot licker!” First of all, you have to understand that some people are naturally inclined to work hard. It's in their nature, and they hold the belief that the harder they work, the more good things will happen to them. And guess what? That's their belief, regardless of whether or not it's true, and it's not your place to try and change that belief or their hard-working nature. Let people be who they want to be. Life is about trying to be the best possible version of yourself, and for some people…

I've been seeing this a lot lately. There are a ton of people in this sub who think that their lives are being made more difficult by hard-working coworkers. The most commonly regurgitated sentiment is “Hard work isn't rewarded with anything except more work, and you're just making all the rest of us look bad! Stop being a boot licker!”

First of all, you have to understand that some people are naturally inclined to work hard. It's in their nature, and they hold the belief that the harder they work, the more good things will happen to them. And guess what? That's their belief, regardless of whether or not it's true, and it's not your place to try and change that belief or their hard-working nature. Let people be who they want to be. Life is about trying to be the best possible version of yourself, and for some people that means working hard at everything they do.

Second of all, if a hard worker is in fact rewarded with nothing but more work, that is the result of bad management. Blaming the worker just turns you against your fellow boots on the ground. You want to get mad at somebody? Get mad at the shitty management who fails to recognize and properly reward hard work, not your fellow coworker.

And finally, something everybody here needs to understand is that another person's decision to work hard does not affect you. If you think that your own life is being made more difficult because somebody around you is a hard worker, that is you projecting your own insecurities and failures onto somebody else. And if by some chance somebody else's hard work is in fact adversely affecting you (eg. management raising quotas for everybody), the blame lies entirely with management, not with your hard-working coworker.

If you're one of those people that hates when others work hard, you need to change your perceptions. You can choose not to be a hard worker, that's your own personal choice, but do not demonize somebody who makes a different choice than you.

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