
This whole year my boss has given me opportunities and then changed his mind

First he gave me the opportunity to become a ‘planner’ which I needed a CAD program for. So I spend 2k on a laptop that was capable of running this program. He then changed his mind, but said I would be able to assist himself and the operations manager by doing some offical plans for the business. This never ended up happening even with asking and offering myself multiple times after. I learnt this program very quickly and ended up teaching my boss and the operations manager how to use it. I also stayed up late some nights assisting the operations manager. A month ago he asked me if I wanted to come into the office full time to assist the operations manager. I said yes but didn’t get my hopes up due to being let down these times before. He told me no one else in the company works…

First he gave me the opportunity to become a ‘planner’ which I needed a CAD program for. So I spend 2k on a laptop that was capable of running this program.
He then changed his mind, but said I would be able to assist himself and the operations manager by doing some offical plans for the business. This never ended up happening even with asking and offering myself multiple times after.
I learnt this program very quickly and ended up teaching my boss and the operations manager how to use it. I also stayed up late some nights assisting the operations manager.
A month ago he asked me if I wanted to come into the office full time to assist the operations manager. I said yes but didn’t get my hopes up due to being let down these times before. He told me no one else in the company works up to my standard. Two weeks later he told me he couldn’t afford it and didn’t want to upset his sister. His sister wants the job.
Another two weeks goes by and he says he’s giving me a $5 per hr pay rise. He adds that I am the only person in the company that is receiving the pay rise at this current time.
The next week I wasn’t well and took a week off and at the end of the week we spoke. He said that he needs to tell me something but is scared for my reaction and doesn’t want to upset me. He told me that he has given his sister the full time role to assist the operations manager, but wants to offer me a full time training role. He also said that I would only be getting this pay rise if I took on the training role. I said no to the training role, and questioned why he has let me invest my time this year into building myself up to that role. He said that he offered his sister the role first, which I assume was in the third half of last year.

I feel very hurt, disappointed and bitter. His sister has always found me a threat and has tried to put me down and pick on me throughout my time there, even though I continuously support her. I do not say this to put her down, but she hasn’t applied herself to the company like I have. She talks badly about the operations manager and smokes in the work vehicles. I am practicing to be humble, and I know that there are better opportunities.

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