
Those in marketing and social media, use chatGPT

A friend of mine just popped over for some wine and a chat and said that in her marketing job she has been using ChatGPT to write all her social media posts. She says that she it saves her tons of hours and thought she should tell her bosses. I said do not do that at any cost. Save time and energy for yourself! Use the saved time however you like. Technology should benefit the worker and not the capital owner. A link to begin this journey:

A friend of mine just popped over for some wine and a chat and said that in her marketing job she has been using ChatGPT to write all her social media posts. She says that she it saves her tons of hours and thought she should tell her bosses. I said do not do that at any cost.

Save time and energy for yourself! Use the saved time however you like. Technology should benefit the worker and not the capital owner.

A link to begin this journey:

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