
Threats of assault and death, horrible workplace

Quick context, I'm 19 and worked at an old people care home administrating medication at times throughout the day and night. Did some documentation and sometimes worked the front desk when no one is around too. I recently gotten out of training and was on my own for the first time, so it was refreshening however I did get confused a bit and made some minor mistakes but overall did great. Me and my coworker, we'll call her gem, were assigned a day to work alone after 5pm because that's when everyone is out of the office and its usually the janitor and med techs. Sometimes security too but they didn't do much. Gem and I were setting up the next batch of medications and were giving out the previous 5pm batch for the residents that didn't take them during dinner. While setting up we were giving a warning on…

Quick context, I'm 19 and worked at an old people care home administrating medication at times throughout the day and night. Did some documentation and sometimes worked the front desk when no one is around too. I recently gotten out of training and was on my own for the first time, so it was refreshening however I did get confused a bit and made some minor mistakes but overall did great. Me and my coworker, we'll call her gem, were assigned a day to work alone after 5pm because that's when everyone is out of the office and its usually the janitor and med techs. Sometimes security too but they didn't do much. Gem and I were setting up the next batch of medications and were giving out the previous 5pm batch for the residents that didn't take them during dinner. While setting up we were giving a warning on a few residents to watch out for tonight. One of em was “bob” not his real name obv. Bob was clearly intoxicated and had a bit too much however he never really was an issue and was just that goofy grandpa drunk most of the time but today was different. Personal things happen that day with bob, so he was more belligerent than ever. He decided he'll take it out on me which I didn't really care too much since I've had racial slurs and full on yelling vulgar swearing at me. “They're just off today so don't take it personal” I said. Well bob starts to demand for his medication and being very loud and aggressive with other residents too. I was kind of hesitant to give it to him since he was drunk but was told it was okay, so I gave it to him. He curses me out and leaves. Alright whatever and while that's done me and gem started discussing to each other what should we eat when break arrives. Bob all of sudden appears and starts meddling into our convo, okay whatever. We continue to talk until bob starts becoming really agitated again. Accusing me of making fun of him, disrespecting his “reputation” and starts going on about how I have to apologize. The entire time that's happening, 7pm rolls around and people start coming down for meds. I quickly tell him that he needs to get away from the front desk since people need to start taking their meds. He just waddles to the corner and makes a hissy fit. He spilled over water cups we set up and starts apologizing. Throwing a dollar at me for the “damages”. I say, “bob it's okay it's just a mistake, just go sit over there and relax, okay?” He waddles again stumbling towards the door and falls outside. Which by protocol we have to call the nurse and have em check him. The nurse comes and returns saying that he's okay but to call the ambulance since he clearly is intoxicated and becoming a threat to others and oneself. Okay so I was talking to gem that we need him to go earlier on but she was still a bit hesitant since it's kind of a waste of time doing all that procedure just cause he's drunk. I agree too but he started making threats to other patients which is a no for me. So, I get ready for the paperwork and call them up while gem tries to give out meds and relax bob at the same time. By this point no one is in the facility except me, gem and the security which is nowhere to be found (he always hides away once everyone leaves leaving us to fend for ourselves) while calling bob overhears since were at the front and he becomes erratic and start threatening me only, saying that I was a b for calling the cops and wanting him to be thrown in jail. I hang up and try to calm him down while he's getting louder, and louder and other patients are noticing. He then tries to reach over the counter to try to “slap the stupid smile” off my face. Now by this point security magical appears like a fairy and bear hugs him so he doesn't hurt me or others. Now one thing I forgot to mention is that bob is taller and bigger while unlike the other residents he can walk and is fairly mid age while being nearly 300 lbs. So, he was a pretty big dude, but he was disabled in one leg, so I wasn't too worried. While he was making a scene, I was told to call the cops by gem since security is having trouble keeping him from hitting others. I go to the back and get 911 on the phone. Another resident steps up to him and calls bob another term for cat at bob which pisses him off more and telling him he's a b for picking on a 19 yr. old “kid” who's just doing his job. I quickly try to defuse the situation since my biggest worry is having other residents getting hurt instead of me since I can handle myself. I thank him but tell him to go and relax, he was a cool dude I miss that guy. Police finally show up and quickly get him to the corner and talk with him, he was close to punching a cop which made me worried since he's just off his rocker. The police calm him down, EMTS show up and check on him. Didn't do much but escort him to his room even though we suggest he goes in a hospital. Cops just say to call em again if he acts up and they'll take him. Okay cool, that was pointless. The situation is over, right? WRONG it only gets worse, so me and gem try to calm down since it's been two hours of nonstop tension and all we were doing was just trying to order food and do work. Realize we have a lot of paperwork to do, and I quickly get ready to do work again, until his sons show up. YAY, nothing like dumb wannabe white gangbangers. like father like son. During the ordeal he called his sons and discussed the fabricated situation that he made in his mind and telling them I was bullying him and called the cops and the entire time I was just being friendly and trying to calm him down. Bob has mental issues so him being drunk didn't help. By this point it's almost 9 pm and all of a sudden, we see two young white males approach the desk and i was confused because the doors are locked and there no more visiting allowed. Turns out the security let them in through the back door, nice. Quickly I look at gem and one of the skinny dudes we'll call Sam. Sam sees me and he does most of the sht talking while his fat brother leans over the desk. And quickly the situation escalates, he starts calling me a b for calling the cops and that I'm not a man for handling it and he'll beat me up. By this point were almost face to face so I was getting ready to punch em if it comes down to it or stab em. Cause its one fat dude and a semi chunky guy against me who's like 170 lbs. He starts being very vulgar and racist, trying to get a reaction out of me and saying how its “clip” for me. NGL I was shocked on how this all happened, so I was kind of in a trance for a bit until I snapped out when gem told me to go to the back and call police. This made it even worse since Sam started targeting her all of a sudden. I didn't want to leave her alone, but she told me to go and call so I did. But guess what? police said there coming and never came so that was great. Nothing like police am I right? so she advised me to go to the locker rooms and chill in there since I was mostly the target. After I left, I started preparing in my mind what would I do if it comes to it since the place is in a bad area and its pitch black out. Started thinking about making a shiv since I didn't have anything to protect myself. But then I snapped back into my senses and was like, “if they would've wanted to do something they would've done it but all they do is talk but no bite” so I chilled for a bit until security finally appears like the fairy he is and takes them outside try to talk some sense into them but that didn't work clearly so gem called up our boss who had to step in and told them something that i don't know and they went away after two hours idling there. Gem come gets me and apologizes how that all happened and that I literally didn't do anything but just smiled and be friendly. Like Jesus man I was tense for hours and it was finally somewhat over. My boss steps inside and looks disappointed with gem but asks if I'm okay. And I respond “besides being threatened, have racial obscenities and possibly being jumped when I step out this building. I'm doing pretty okay” while smiling like always smh. He pulls me aside and asks how far I live from here and I say it's not far I take the bus. He pulls out his wallet and hands me a 20$ bill and told me in his words “look you're safe alright nothing bad is going to happen to you tonight, but don't take any chances and take a cab home” then walks away and pulls the security aside and says something to him that I couldn't hear. And in my head, I'm like “wow that's comforting, thanks!” He then leaves and I just sit there with gem at the front desk processing what in the world just happened. I finally start doing my work, my pills still full since I couldn't give them out with everything going on and the amount of work to do within an hour of my shift left. I just mentally quit but still did what I can, gem explained what happened when I was gone. They chilled a bit after I left and she tried explaining what happened, but the inbred boys wouldn't listen, and they tried hitting on her which is gross. Bob came down and tried to have his sons flirt with gem which is even more nasty. After all that, they went away since I “left” but she's exhausted as I was. Luckily though I didn't give in the reaction they wanted as much as I wanted to curb stomp their heads. I was more worried about the safety of the residents there and gem since it was really just us two in the facility and idc if I get jumped or hit but I can't let them try to hurt gem or the residents as much as they annoy me sometimes. So even if I wanted to fight it would've been a lost since it could put others in danger so the entire ordeal I just smiled and kept shut. Not a single word throughout the entire time just remaining calm which kind of paid off. It pisses me off though that I had to quit because of that and them taunting me that I need a new job or else they'll “merk” me. Like damn bro your so tuff for trying to be hard at an old home facility. It was horrible going through all that, but I kept my cool and made sure everyone is safe which is more important than my ego. After that I sent a message to my bosses and explained that I won't be returning because of the situation and no amount of money is worth being berated and possibly injured over psychotic family members. But not a single finger was laid on me so that's good I guess but Jesus that facility was awful, clearly only caring about the money and letting anyone in. Afterwards I picked up my last check and my other coworker that was with gem felt sorry for me and wished me the best. So that helped a bit, but it'll be 3 months and still no new work which sucks. My bosses never even responded back so I never figured out what happened with bob and if they did anything to address the issue. So yeah, that's pretty much it. I'm going back to school because I don't ever want to deal with that type of bs at a min wage job again. I feel sorry though for the residents I cared for since most just were in a bad environment but good people, I'll miss talking to them. My bad if I didn't type this out properly or something never posted something like this you know. In general, a min wage worker shouldn't be playing security, fake nurse and doing their job because the facility is cheap on hiring proper staff and the wellbeing's of the employees and residents. Pisses me off how these issues could've been resolved so quickly and properly but lack of staff and care doesn't matter as long as they live enough to give a check.

In short, drunk patient accuses me of false statements, becomes hostile and tries to swing at me. I call police, they weren't helpful, and his crazy sons show up threatening to ''take care of me'' when I leave the facility and saying other bs stuff while being heavily racist. Boss comes in and gives me a 20 to go home in a cab and not to walk to the bus stop. Quit after and nothing came out of it besides me being jobless. The entire time I was just smiling and being chill, but I guess you can't be all happy in those jobs. I'm too young to be this stressed although I got accepted into the school, I want to :).

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