
Time for blunt honesty

I don't even know if this is the right thread, but I need to rant, so here I go. I'm sick of the, “tell us why you wanna work here,” question on applications. So sick, in fact, that I'm done with it. Here's my answer, copy-pasta'd into every application now. “I want to work for your company because it offers compensation for services rendered and has an environment I find tolerable. I have no strong feelings either way for the company itself, and anything I might say to indicate otherwise is a lie designed to curry favor. I believe that a good portion of the reason why there is so much “trimmable fat” in every industry is because hiring managers put too much weight behind the question of “why do you want to work here,” and prioritize corporate sycophants over seasoned professionals. I prioritize being amazing at my job and…

I don't even know if this is the right thread, but I need to rant, so here I go.

I'm sick of the, “tell us why you wanna work here,” question on applications. So sick, in fact, that I'm done with it. Here's my answer, copy-pasta'd into every application now.

“I want to work for your company because it offers compensation for services rendered and has an environment I find tolerable. I have no strong feelings either way for the company itself, and anything I might say to indicate otherwise is a lie designed to curry favor. I believe that a good portion of the reason why there is so much “trimmable fat” in every industry is because hiring managers put too much weight behind the question of “why do you want to work here,” and prioritize corporate sycophants over seasoned professionals. I prioritize being amazing at my job and effective in my communications with peers and between collaborative groups, and put little effort in becoming spun up on the proper ways to suck up to management. You want to hire me because I'm awesome at what I do, I make sure each shot makes it between the goal posts, and I don't tolerate a slippage in quality for the sake of speed or quantity; not because I have a silver tongue coated in honey.”

What do y'all think? Too honest?

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